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  • Writer's pictureAe Cualing

Gave birth to another Anencephaly Baby

Let me share with you my journey with my fourth child and the "supposed only girl" in the family. I gave birth to Izaiah last October 31, 2020 via a repeat cesarean, 39 weeks (full term) and aside from Anencephaly she also has a cleft palate.

She is the prettiest creation I've ever met. Just like her 3 kuya's, she's got this hairy feature on her arms. Her fingers are long and beautiful. Her eyes are just like mine, small and chinky. She's got her father's lips and her nose is like a mixed of mine and Jeff. She weighed 1800 grams, big enough :). Though her head, including her brain and skull didn't developed she managed to stay with me for three hours and fifteen minutes.

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Anencephaly usually happens during third conception.

Though Anencephaly is a serious case, it remains a question why does this Neural Defect happens without any warnings. A mother without a neural defect history, or anyone in the family can be a victim.

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